We have never had so many ways to communicate, and in the same time,
we've never communicated so little. So it's time to question things. In
this article, I will make a comparison of the different communication
technologies. I will try to be objective, to base myself on rational
arguments, ignoring the fashion and the pathetic conformism that
unfortunately, too many people have. No, I don't forgive stupidity :-D .
# 6 Mobile phone
I'll be honest : this method of communication is the worst. SMS, chat,
What's app... Mobile phones generate more and more parasite
communication technologies : the junk com.
Junk com is like junk food : quantity, not quality.
Most of the people I have lost touch with were with mobile phone. Such things happened before numeric technologies, but it was much rarer.
# 5 Home phone
Before the numeric technologies, home phones were popular in France. They offered stable connections between notables, knowledgeable people like doctors or engineers who have a good and strong local reputation. Those notables
still use the home phone, but they are the old generation. Today, the
home phone suffers from an intermediate position, and may be replaced by
the traditional mail.
I don't know about videotelephony, but I feel like it's the coldest.
# 4 E-mail
The e-mail allows you anything : you can attach any file with it. Unfortunately, this is not the safest way to communicate, as numeric technologies are more vulnerable.
# 3 Mail
The mail solves that problem. The further you need to communicate, the slower you must communicate. Paper is good for that.
the seal technology allows you even more safety. You put the wax, and
push your personal stamp. When your correspondant receives the letter,
if the seal has been broken, it means that someone intercepted it, has
probably read the information, and maybe modified it. If the seal is
intact, everything is fine.
We are all tired of bills
and advertisement. But what if you receive a love letter ? This is so
rare that you will remember about it all your life. The love letter
remains one of the most romantic ways of communicating.
the paper has indeed an affectuous value. Post cards are also an
affectuous way to communicate. The feel of the paper, as well as the
artistic touch of beautiful landscapes photographs, will remain a
treasure in the furniture of your family and friends.
mail also allows you to do anything. You can send anything as a
package, and a single USB key, sent with an enveloppe and protected from
the rain by a plastic bag, allows you to send any kind of numeric file. Actually, the paper has a subversive power, necesary for the Revolution of Love and the explosion of the old sick system into a new system, where people would be free and equal.
In my opinion, the
paper mail remains the best telecommunication, because it's the slowest.
If you want to get faster, you must get closer :-) .
# 2 Real people
Actually, talking with real people remains the best way to communicate. The human heat of a real friend is a quality connection your will never find on those antisocial networks. You can eat together, you can touch each other, and if you are lucky, maybe you can have more...
# 1 Sex
Sex is by far the highest way of communication between humans. It's a fusion of minds and bodies. You can touch this person a lot, you can smell this person, and if you have an orgasm, you will love it.
Maybe we should give up those stupid technologies, and yearn for more humanity. Useful things are cheap, and useless things are expensive. A condom is cheap, and will give you much more energy than those stupid, useless and cold phones ! To live happy, we need little technology, and a lot of love ! :-)
Money doesn't make happiness. Many people use televisions, telephones, cars... But why ? To be honest, those technologies make people very sad (and Nature as well). If you go to the countryside, Nature will help you to become autonomous. Become autonomous !
Together, with the strength of solidarity, let's put an end to our lives of shit and build a new world, where the parasites are no more, where discrimination, war and misery belong to the past, and where we can live happy in autonomy.